



I specialize in and am most sought after for, deep tissue therapeutic massage, Structural alignment, pressure point work, and stretching to get clients out of pain or to maintain their physically active lifestyle.  I have great pride in keeping my clients ‘tuned-up’. 

 Before we begin, we talk. You tell me about your body – your aches and pains, or injuries or fears – and we tailor your session to your needs. Touch may be deep or moderate, but the treatment should not cause overt pain for long periods. It is your responsibility to share any health issues or problems which might affect your treatment.

 My philosophy is to treat you with dignity and to listen to your body with the ears of my hands.  In return, please arrive for your session on time with full payment and showered that day.  Also, please refrain from wearing body scents, such as cologne and perfumes. I'm very sensitive to strong smells.

  Integrative Bodywork. This means that I incorporate various techniques that I have learned into each session. These techniques may include Swedish, Shiatsu, Russian Sports, Myofascial release, Myosketal release, traditional Thai Massage, trigger, and Range of Motion Therapy.

 My bodywork focus is not a spa type of massage; it is aimed at structural balance.   If you want a spa oil massage, please contact one of the other independent massage therapists in San Miguel or top-end hotels, they will be thrilled to pamper you.





Increase the Benefits with Frequent Visits


Experts estimate that upwards of 90% of diseases is stress-related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally than high stress.  Physical pain does create stress, not only on the physical body but on the emotional and spiritual aspects of our whole self.


Receiving Bodywork frequently can reduce stress but also help keep you looking younger. Taking part in this form of regularly scheduled self-care can play a huge part in how healthy you'll be and how youthful you will remain with each passing year. Consider Bodywork appointments as a necessary piece of your health and wellness plan, much like eating well, getting exercise, and breathing more.

The cost per session is $85.00 dollars or in pesos.